Thinking of starting a business in 2019? Here are some ideas to achieve maximum profitability.
1. Master a skill, scale it, and build a community around it
a. Build a platform for others that have skills (i.e. built a platform for native speaker to edit text in real time)
b. Start online courses on skills you already have (i.e. how to start a blog)
2. Clean people's homes
3. Amazon Fulfillment Business
4. Meal Prep and Delivery
5. Rent bikes/mopeds
6. Become a fitness trainer (online or in-person) can even pre-record
7. Certified Public Accountant
8. Last point needs leadership skills
Remark: Relationship is very importance to make a business. here is Video
1. Master a skill, scale it, and build a community around it
a. Build a platform for others that have skills (i.e. built a platform for native speaker to edit text in real time)
b. Start online courses on skills you already have (i.e. how to start a blog)
2. Clean people's homes
3. Amazon Fulfillment Business
4. Meal Prep and Delivery
5. Rent bikes/mopeds
6. Become a fitness trainer (online or in-person) can even pre-record
7. Certified Public Accountant
8. Last point needs leadership skills
Remark: Relationship is very importance to make a business. here is Video
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